Welcome to Gypsy Soul Printables
We offer Printable products: Planners, Habit Trackers, Medical Trackers, Mental Health, Spirit Animals, Card Decks, Stationary, and Wall Art, combined with the Vintage, BOHO, and Free-Spirited design styles.
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“It’s not the words of your intentions that manifest your
reality, it’s the vibration of the energy of your intentions that attracts.”
New in Store
Trust Your Journey
Trust your journey, trust your process, raise your energy
and the right people will come into your life.
– Steven Aitchison

Popular Wall Art

Hi, I am Kimberly
Welcome to Gypsy Soul Printables. I am a Transformational Coach, Creator, and Registered Nurse. I have a passion for helping clients work through transformational life events, the spiritual and mystical, and love to create printable products in the Vintage, Gypsy, BOHO, and Free-Spirited themes.